Tuesday, April 22, 2008

At Least the Ads will Stop

Hello from Pennsylvania on primary day.

I have never been so conflicted about which name to touch (god, remember when we got to pull levers?) in all my thirteen years of voting.

And since it was an in service day here, I brought the kidlets along for a civics field trip. You think I would have learned by now.

As I'm staring at the ballot, Boy Star pipes up with "Gosh, mom, what's taking you so long" and BabyStar decides it would be appropriate to speed mommy up by attempting to hockey attack the machine. Apparently, a hockey attack is BabyStar's go to move when they play Pokemon.

Did you ever have to make up your mind?

So, I finally did, and as we're leaving, walking across a parking lot filled with yummy volunteer firemen, BoyStar blurts out, loudly, "So who'd you vote for to be the president?"

Um, yes, that was a lovely trip home explaining the necessities of secret ballots. And what the firemen thought was so funny.

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