Monday, October 31, 2005


She has to be kidding me.


This cannot possibly be anything more than an early April Fool's Day prank.

Seriously, now I'm going to have to rant.

WTF is wrong with people that we continue to promote the woman as sex object stereotype in this country. Once and for all, prostitution, porn, and abstinence programs all have it wrong. Sexuality is not a commodity to be sold, paid for, or given as a freaking wedding present.

And when our gender finally figures that out and stops buying into the objectification of our reproductive organs, we can get our collective act to gether and start electing politicians that treat us as equals.

Rant over.

Monday, October 24, 2005

I have arrived

I just deleted my very first spam from my blog.

And now for word verification.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

People-watching at McDonald's

In return for sitting still during his haircut, Boy Star got to choose where we would be having lunch. Can I help it the downfall of Western civilization is the only place with a playland?

We sat next to two elderly gentlemen. I really tried to avoid eavesdropping, but the tables were really close. They were reminiscing about the work they did after leaving the service. One of them had a bread delivery route. When he started work bread cost the stores 12 cents, and they charged the customers 15. See what you learn by eavesdropping?

When they were leaving gentleman #1 said to gentleman #2, "When was the last time I saw you again? I never remember anything these days." He was completely graceful and unembarrassed about that. Must remember that growing old has some positives.

They were replaced by a woman and her two kids. She looked to be in her early thirties, blonde and pale in that frail way some petite women have. A little too thin. Circles beneath her eyes just a shade too dark Her older was a girl, about four, who was frantically expressing her need to use the restroom as mom was paying for the food. As she grabbed the girl and her brother, maybe two, she gave me a harried look and said, "Some days are just crazy."

Ah, a sister. Very nice lady. We chatted about how old our kids are and the latest clearance sale on kid's clothes at KMart. We had parked next to each other, and as I was climbing out from buckling Boy Star's carseat, I saw her boy take off into the street. The luck of children, there were no cars coming.

Definitely a sister.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I've been tagged

My assignment is to list good things for today. You had to pick today, didn't you?

Okay here goes:

I've got a bottle of peach Schnapps in the fridge. Today that is a very good thing.

My best friend called today. She called to tell me she failed her one-hour glucose test, but we got to commiserate about pregnancy woes for half an hour.

The chili I made for dinner turned out really well. And we have sour cream in the fridge that hasn't expired.

My children are healthy.

In less than an hour, Boy Star will be in bed.