Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hey Nineteen

Another Saturday earworm-inspired entry. Yes I'm old enough to know Steely Dan.

Really I just have a mom who has better musical taste than I do, but she ran off to San Francisco in the 70's, so whatever....


It's been an entire decade since I turned nineteen. That year was the only time, as an adult, I was single. And in my experience, there are very few situations where it's actually romantic to have on old guy hitting on you. Even when the old guy has way more money than sense and offers you a ride in his helicopter. Especially when the old guy takes one look at you, turns to your mother, and asks, "Is she available?"

(God bless her, she said "Available for what?")

And it's amazing what an "old guy" is to a nineteen year old.

Anyhow, I don't know how the court will rule, but I'm pretty certain Anna Nicole Smith earned her money.


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