Thursday, June 08, 2006

A word to the Wise

Since it seems I do not qualify for that category...

So, say you're a rapidly-approaching-30-years-old mother of two. And say chasing those two around all day just isn't getting you back in shape. So for a few months you exercise religiously, to the point that you get bored with all the new workout DVDs you've bought for yourself.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go digging up your copy of the NYC Ballet workout if it has been almost five years since you dragged your happy ass to a dance class. And if you should happen to do so, for the love of all that is holy, take it easy.

Wanna know what will happen? Your waist will become some bizarre anatomical equator. Your southern half will be just fine when you roll out of bed the next morning. But when you go to pick up your baby, every muscle between your navel and neck will curse at you in several languages.

I tell you this because I love you. Not so that you can laugh at my pain.


Blogger RenĂ©e said...

I feel your pain. We're all "hell yeah I'm whipping this ass back into shape today. I'm on fire. I'm so going to stick to this routine. I can push myself to great limits." I've learned that a *snap* *creak* *groan* sound coming from somewhere inside me means STOP for the love of puppies STOP trying to get into shape in like five minutes. Slow down or die. So yeah, I did that too three weeks ago with Pilates but I'm all good now.

11:16 PM  

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